impact King George & beyond
In addition to other local organizations, THRIVE Christian Fellowship prayerfully and financially supports the ministries below.
If you are a missionary seeking support from THRIVE, please fill out an application here.
If you are a missionary seeking support from THRIVE, please fill out an application here.

Matt & Caroline Edelen
Wycliffe Bible Translators
The Edelens serve in Papua, Indonesia, assisting in Bible translation and distribution efforts among 50 languages in the region, including training and mentoring native-speaker Bible translators and assisting the Scripture-use initiatives of national workers.

Patrick & Ellen McGinty
Cross Community Church in Yokohama, Japan
Patrick and Ellen McGinty are passionately working to plant healthy gospel-proclaiming churches in the second-largest city in Japan, Yokohama. If you'd like to learn more or sign up for their monthly newsletters, send them an e-mail at

Josiah & Rachel
Van Der Decker
Ethnos 360
Missionaries in Papua, New Guinea, Josiah and Rachel partner with a team of tribal missionaries and assist them as they learn a new language and culture, teach God’s Word foundationally, and disciple new believers in order to plant mature, self-sustaining churches. One of their main tasks is to translate the Bible into this tribal language.

David & Denae Downs
Calvary Chapel Torino
David and Denae Downs are church planters spreading the gospel in predominantly Roman-Catholic Italy. Currently they are transitioning from the town of Ferrara to the larger city of Torino. Pray as they follow the Lord’s leading in a new city and as He provides connections in the community.

Calvary Chapel Magazine
Reaching the World for Christ
Calvary Chapel Magazine brings you news of what God is doing through Calvary fellowships around the world. Our mission is to show this truth through testimonies of men and women who have been transformed by the Lord. Each story and photograph is intended to help make this vision a reality.

Cross to Light Haiti
Through the Haiti Bible Training Center, young men from different provinces in Haiti are brought in to be built up in the Word of God, being taught through the Bible in order to send them back out to plant churches to provide Bible teaching and discipleship. Additionally, CTL provides mission trip opportunities for churches and relief to locals with food, water, clothing distribution and medical assistance.

Alexis Worthen
Youth With A Mission
Alexis Worthen has been in Northern Thailand since 2012 and is serving through Youth With a Mission to share the gospel with the unreached. Her dream is to help Thais who have encountered Christ and want to pursue a relationship with Him, grow as disciples and give them the confidence and tools to make disciples of their own, leading to a homegrown discipleship movement that is reproducible, rapid growing, and sustainable.

Phil and Patti Monk
Safe Haven Village, Guatemala
Phil and Patti are one of three American families at Safe Haven Village providing a family environment for orphans to be loved, nurtured, encouraged, and taught life’s important lessons first-hand. Safe Haven believes family-style orphan care is part of God’s solution in caring for orphans, for healing hearts, and for training up a child in the way he or she should go.
Meet the Monks
Meet the Monks

Pioneer Bible Translators
Pioneer Bible Translators® bridges the gap between the Church and the Bibleless people groups around the world. Our team is composed of Bible translators, literacy specialists, church planters and a variety of other personnel working together toward our vision of transformed lives through God’s Word in every language.

New Hope Foundation
Providing a caring and secure environment for orphaned infants and children with special physical and medical needs in China.
New Hope Foundation
New Hope Foundation

Foundation Guillaume
Located in Plaisance, Haiti, Foundation Guillaume's mission is to impact the lives of the community through education, compassion, and numerous services, programs, and development programs.
Foundation Guillaume
Foundation Guillaume